i decided that i would concentrate on my june hols instead of blogging about wk9 and 10. mainly cos i cant remember anymore....okies. well. mus start with the woodlands charity drive then.
my band teacher organised it for us sec 1s as we werent gd enough to go for this malaysian top sch outing which the main band is performing at. in malaysia. so to fill up our 6hr required cip hours. we had to go for this charity drive organised by the hwa chong institution in aid of the children cancer foundation. [copied that part]. so we had to go for 3days consecutively, 4hr each, adding up to a whopping 12hrs of cip!! we chose 1-3 june cos we had band on the 1st and it would be good to go as a group to familiarise us with the place...but woodlands! so far u noe.. at least some sec3 understudies came alone. sigh. it was super hard work. we were jus given a tin and some collar pins and asked to sell. it was hot, tiring and sweaty. my legs were aching be4 the 1st hour ended. then they called us back and gave us some colourful pinwheels to sell. i was exhausted frm head to toe. friday was worse. trying to keep up a happy smile while asking for donations, continually facing rejects in the hot sun... yet when i managed to sell the sense of fufilment was so great. soo...nice. haha. i took the loong way home by 969.. frm woodlands all the way to tampines! on sat, i had my da feng shou. i managed to sell 24 collar pins and 18 pinwheels!! that's a great feat considering that a collar pin is $2 and a pinwheel is $5!! soo.. arent i great?
then on 5th went out with kim and andrea. had a nice nice time. watched xmen3.. okay lah. not 2 bad. but not 2gd also..then on tues went for dna project..
wed went for band chalet. fun fun fun. thou we played multi-lvl captain's ball..was ok at first.. until.. they threw a whole FROZEN CHICKEN and ask ppl to catch. it kept dropping in the sand so can u imagine catching a big sand frozen chicken ?!?!?AND it was worth 100pts. then the chicken wing came out due to mishandling and then they said if caught worth 200 pts.!argh. then they pulled out the chicken drumstick and said it was worth 500pts!! can u imagine my horror?!?!?! then they also peeled out the skin and said itS worth 20pts...but mus catch the whole skin and not just abit lah. YUCKS. b4 we went white sands 4 lunch. i ate at swensen's.. yummy omelette! at nite we prepared 4 barbeque... some were doing the charcoal, others sticking the sausages etc. i was trying to pull out the frozen chicken wings, cos they bought a lot and dumped into 1 container, then super super frozen. even after immersing it in water and bla bla. still cannot. so mus find the ' available ' ones and pull slowly. me and sherilyn ng and angeline and sheriel were all helping, plus the sec3s like zhiyin,jessica,alicia... took super long.....very tired after that. but happy we did gd job. barbeque was yummy and very fun. evry1 was having a gd time. then we settled to watch drumline.. but then cos of spore idol we stopped and watched that instead. [it was a wed rmb?] their voices all quite low.. then cos needed to catch 2055 shuttle bus, me and sher ng go pack up.. as we were about to leave, an EVENT happened. u go figure urself! so shocked la. me and her were talking abt that throughout bus ride and train ride. still feel so weird thinking about that.
p.s.2 ex-bandies came back for barbeque and then took same shuttle bus with us. one was QM instru the other QM uni. one of them looked a bit like *ahem*...
friday went out with jiayee, andrea and jeanette. in the end aishah couldnt come ): but had a gd time again. watched cars at lido..not bad storyline and VGood graphics. so 3of us went PS jus to take neoprints [much to the upsetness of andrea..] after that jiayee stayed there to meet parents while me and andrea took train home... we got a seat real early and spent our time listening to music and playing with my hp's dice game. [i guessed correctly 3x.] andrea managed to guess correctly once, just b4 simei.. (:
this wk not much happened cos stay at home everyday doing hw. quite boring yah. but..quite fun 2 loh. on wed cell grp was discussing about create2006 and the design 4 foam art. we doing on sat, 24th june. looking forward to it.. to 23rd's ECJHBCP also la!
finally! oh finally i get to blog about it all. hiaz. since 13may i never bloggie. cos internet got prob and also cos i not free. hah! urm. i not sure what happened on last 2wks of sch. wait ah. go check journal .
----------1min later---------
ohyes. last 2 wks is all post-exam activities. wk9 was cultural wk and wk10 was um. some stuff. yah. we had best practise day on 22,23 and 25 of june. its the 1st 3periods of the day where every cca can display its skill and stuff like that. for sports thou, there were interclass-games. and we lost. very badly. performing, clubs have cca booths, while the 4uniform grps 'trade' skills with each other. it sounds fun doesnt it? its soo NOT. v boring. especially on 3rd day.
1st day we walked around the booths..the went into as1 and played hopscotch. -.-" ? not really. cos later wif more pple we started to play whacko. except that we were all icecream flavours. i am raspberry cream (: . it was really funny and i screamed alot. bonding-ness!!.
then 2nd day it was our class turn at the interclass-games... althou we didnt do very well.. :P. also got play whacko. except it was fruits this time. i am grapefruit (: .
then 3rd day superbly boring cos the sports/ uniform grps members hav to do dunno what. so we our class was quite pathetic. in the end. we went to watch james and the giant peach at the library there. haha. really dumb show lahs. finally a group of us met back at the classrm and played whacko. again. yah!. i am orange(: . tigger was horrible and she wrote on the board ' 11 times. OMG! ' she got whacked 11times already. me? i think 3... so we were quite
sian, but then i said wait till she gets whacked 15times then. so cheeky monkey volunteered herself to be the keep-tracker. we stopped after 17. [or 18 i forgot.]
on friday i was really sick. soo glad there wasnt jogging. cos i had a huge headache i didnt socialise much. thank goodness for owl. it also happened that angela wasnt very free that day cos another classmate of ours had fainted... she[ang.] was busy running around so i had to take stuff frm teachers when they come knocking. this tchr came and passed me survey. then she said i not feeling well isit? i said ya. then she say she like my earrings. very nice. i was hoping she would use the word ' cute ' .. haha. fat hope man! *yawn* really must go zzz. want to continue! mayb 2mrw lahs.
P.S. wanna noe abit about our family tree. jus tell u abit arh... im 84years old, am 2nd oldest, have a 101yrs old mom, got a sis, a nephew wif 2 sisters, a niece-in-law wif 3sisters, 3grandnieces, 1grandnephew, 1 greatgrandniece.. we also have family nurse, doctor, butler, housekeeper etc. a 6lvl house wif all sorts of stuff like some entertainment center... really got everything...then have a company and i COO. even thou i so old. we also got a car. mine's Nissan March. orange of cos. ;P